The Lighthouse 2019

【 The Lighthouse 】    7.5
El Faro
Terror | Fantástico | Drama | Siglo XIX
Una remota y misteriosa isla de Nueva Inglaterra en la década de 1890. El veterano farero Thomas Wake (Willem Dafoe) y su joven ayudante Ephraim Winslow (Robert Pattinson) deberán convivir durante cuatro semanas. Su objetivo será mantener el faro en buenas condiciones hasta que llegue el relevo que les permita volver a tierra. Pero las cosas se complican cuando surjan conflictos por jerarquías de poder entre ambos.
As the wavering cry of the foghorn fills the air, the taciturn former lumberjack, Ephraim Winslow, and the grizzled lighthouse keeper, Thomas Wake, set foot in a secluded and perpetually grey islet off the coast of late-19th-century New England. For the following four weeks of back-breaking work and unfavourable conditions, the tight-lipped men will have no one else for company except for each other, forced to endure irritating idiosyncrasies, bottled-up resentment, and burgeoning hatred. Then, amid bad omens, a furious and unending squall maroons the pale beacon's keepers in the already inhospitable volcanic rock, paving the way for a prolonged period of feral hunger; excruciating agony; manic isolation, and horrible booze-addled visions. Now, the eerie stranglehold of insanity tightens. Is there an escape from the wall-less prison of the mind?